Achievements 2021-22

The College team comprising of Kinjal Baug, Sonal Nandu and Parishi Jain have b won the Runners Up Award; and Parishi Jain received the Best Researcher Award at the II JECRC National Virtual Moot Court Competition, 2021 organised by the JECRC University, Jaipur from 7th - 9th August, 2021.

The College team comprising of Nimrah Sayani, Jaibatruka Mohanta and Danvi Nagda have won the Best Team Award; Jaibatruka Mohanta received the Best Speaker (Male) Award; and Nimrah Sayani received the Best Speaker (Female) Award at the 2nd GDGU International Virtual Technology Law Moot Court Competition, 2021 organised by the GD Goenka University School of Law from 28th - 29th August, 2021.

The College team comprising of Deepanjali Mishra, Saziya Godiwala and Manasi Adeshra have won the Best Team Award at the 5th AUMP National Virtual Moot Court Competition, 2021 organised by Amity Law School, Gwalior from 22nd - 24th September, 2021.

The College team comprising of Kartik Hede, Khushi Dhanesha and Anupam Verma have won the Best Team Award and the Second Best Memorial Award at the IV Surana and Surana and UPES School of Law National Insolvency Moot Court Competition, 2021 - 2022 organised by UPES School of Law, Dehradun from 4th - 6th February, 2022.

The College team comprising of Siddhi Mehta, Prapti Sangoi and Vidisha Tanna have won the Best Memorial Award at the 1st International Paperless Cyber Law Moot Court Competition, 2022 organised by NUSRL, Ranchi and Cyberlaw University from 10th - 13th February, 2022.

The College team comprising of Bhakti Chandan, Dhavall Gandhy and Aashna Doshi have won the Runners-Up Award at the National Moot Court Competition, 2022 organised by Shri Vaishnav Institute of Law, Indore from 16th - 17th February, 2022.
The College team comprising of Saziya Godiwala, Vidhi Dugad and Deepanjali Mishra have won the Best Judgement Award at the 7th National Trial Advocacy Competition, 2022 organised by Christ University Bangalore from 17th - 19th February, 2022.

The College team comprising of Vaishnavi Tiwari, Ayden Pereira and Shambhavi Pant have won the Best Memorial Award at the 4th Thiru Isari Velan Memorial National Moot Court Competition, 2022 organised by School of Law - VISTAS, Chennai from 25th - 26th February, 2022.

The College team comprising of Shreyash Raj, Khushi Wazalwar and Jinkal Patel have won the Best Team Award; and Shreyash Raj received the Best Speaker Award in the Finals Round at the 3rd Surana & Surana and Army Institute of Law’s Family Law National Moot Court Competition, 2022 organised by Army Institute of Law, Mohali from 10th - 12th March, 2022.

The College team comprising of Amit Pdwal, Anosh Irani and Kruti Joshi have bagged the Runners-Up Award at the Late Barrister H.G. Advani Memorial Moot court Competition, 2021 - 2022 organised by DM Harish School of Law, Mumbai from 11th - 12th March, 2022.

The College team comprising of Vaidehi Laaal, Harsh Shukla and Praharsh Kashyap have won the Best Team Award at the Amity Nation Moot court Competition, (Online) 2022 organised by Amity Law College, Rajasthan from 8th - 10th April, 2022.

The College team comprising of Vatsala Toprani, Dharmil Doshi and Nibha Yadav have won the Best Advocate and Best Prosecutor Award at the 7th Symbiosis International Criminal Trial and Advocacy, 2022 organised by Symbiosis Law School, Pune from 21st - 24th April, 2022.

The College team comprising of Dhwani Shah, Somesh Pathak and Khushboo Pachisia have won the Best Memorial and Second Best Judgement Award at the 4th Surana & Surana and Ramaiah College of Law National Tort Law Moot court Competition, 2022 organised by Ramaiah College of Law, Bangalore from 22nd - 24th April, 2022.